Getting to known us

Meet the Team

We have a dedicated, hardworking, friendly team made up of clergy, staff and volunteers serving here in the Parish

Vicar / Team Leader

Intermin priest in charge in place
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Children, Youth & Family Team

These are the people who run the programmes for the children and young people within our parish. All of our programmes have a firm biblical foundation and all of our team members have undertaken some type of theological study.

Youth & Young Adults Pastor

Charlotte Rodley

Children’s Pastor

Charlotte is the Children's Pastor at St Tim's. Her role includes running the Lighthouse Kids program, as well as overseeing all the children's programmes at St Tim's, known as Kids 4 Christ. Charlotte also runs our Kendal Afterschool Club on a Monday (during school terms). This club is aimed at reaching out to the wider community around our area and inviting children to a safe and fun space after school. Charlotte has attended St Tim's since she was a child and also volunteers as a youth leader at Neos. Outside of work, she is studying towards a Fine Arts degree and really enjoys Irish dancing.
Philippa Rodley

Tea and Tots Coordinator

Philippa Rodley, a mother and grandmother with a 26 year involvement in this parish, runs our Tea and Tots programme with a team of volunteers who help with home baking, child minding and kitchen duties. Tea and Tots has been running since April 2002 and is held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month in the St. Timothy’s church hall. Philippa works as a nurse at the Christchurch Public Hospital.

Other Ministries

Alison Jephson

Pastoral Care Worker

Alison has worshipped in the parish since 2010 and since her retirement has taken on this lay (voluntary) role. Her vision is to encourage fellow Christians, especially women, in their journey of being life-long followers of Jesus. As well as being available to meet with individuals, whether things are going well or not so well, she is developing a series of 1-2 day retreats for women to encourage them in their faith journey.
Jill McTeigue

Elder Care Coordinator

Jill is married to Ray and they have three adult children and seven grandchildren. Since childhood she has been part of the Anglican church in various parts of New Zealand. At the end of 2017, she and her family moved back to Christchurch to be closer to their elderly parents and became part of St. Tim’s in early 2018.

Any queries please phone Jill McTeigue –
027 848 5769 or 930 8161

Shawn Liu

Ethnics Ministries Pastor

Shawn, father to two school aged boys, is our Ethnic Ministries Pastor. A big part of his role is running multiple social events in our multi-ethnic, migrant support community; Nexus. Born in Malaysia and grew up in Singapore, Shawn came from an international church-planting movement and was experienced in cross-cultural missionary work. He loves to interact with people from different ethnicities and cultures.
Nexus Community Link

Parish Administration

Lou Godfrey

Parish Administrator

Lou is the person who takes care of things in the office. She is also the person who makes sure there are always biscuits in the tin, lollies in the jar and keeps the rest of the staff team under control. She is the first person you will meet when you visit our parish office. She is the person to talk to if you want to know what's happening in the parish, or wish to hire our facilities.
Noela Rendle


Noela Rendle, as the Parish Treasurer, is a member of the Parish Finance Committee. The Finance Committee brings multiple talents, expertise, and robust debate to the financial and budget tasks required by a busy parish. Noela, with husband, Richard, also enjoys hosting a homegroup and being part of the musical team.

Governance Team


The vestry is a team of volunteers who oversee and chart the course for our parish direction. Responsible for taking care of business, they meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Vestry members are elected from our various congregations at our parish AGM.


There are four sub-committees – the Finance Committee, the Building & Grounds Committee, the Missions Committee and the St James' Church and Trust Funds Committee. These sub-committees report to the vestry and bring recommendations to the vestry in order that our finances, facilities and missions are well managed.


Parish office:

46 Kendal Avenue
Burnside, Christchurch

Office hours:

Monday to Thursday 9am - 12:30pm
Office closed Fridays and weekends
